• Agropoli (SA) Italy
  • +39 328 8967794

Agropoli and surrounding area

Sea, sun, traditions, culture, history, gastronomia, tranquillities and nature are a cocktail inviting in order to visit Agropoli. Inhabited since the age of the bronze and the iron, in YOU conquered century DC from the Bizantini that gave name to it "AKROPOLIS".
In the heart of the Magna Greece, to little kilometers from Paestum (WAYS century AC) and Velia (YOU century AC), Agropoli is the center of the Cilento, base for excursions in the more evocative places of the Campania: Capri, Ischia, Naples, Pompei, Ercolano, the coastal Sorrentina and Amalfitana, Palinuro, Ascea, Agnone, Acciaroli, Caserta, the coves of Castelcivita and Pertosa, Padula, Teggiano.
We organize excursions and visits guided in the national park of the Cilento and goes it of Give.